That's right. I have jury duty today. Luckily I didn't have to show up at 8am - I'm a "backup juror". So I have to call at 11:30 to see if I have to go in this afternoon. I was supposed to work today so I kind of have a free day off, which I'm fine with.
It's been a minute again since I've posted. There isn't anything much going on, I'm stable and happy, we're pretty boring . . . I always seem to post more when I'm not doing well.
I guess the only exciting news is with Ayden - he was accepted to UCCS, which is his first choice in colleges. He'll be going into their psych program as he wants to be a therapist. Last Friday he got to tour the school and have lunch and a meet-and-greet with some of the academic advisors. I'm very proud of him. He's also been driving more since we bought him his own car. Which is great because, well, next year he'll be in college and there's no way we can drive him to and from classes. UCCS is about a 15 minute drive from our house which is very convenient. I believe Ayden is planning on living at home while he gets his degree to save some money (living in Colorado is freaking EXPENSIVE). We'll help him in whatever way we can.
As for my back pain, it's still there. Not as frequent, and not as bad, but I still get it. Wednesday will have been 3 weeks off of semaglutide so I guess I'll probably be going back to the doctor's office for imaging and physical therapy. Ugh. I was really hoping that it would go away. I don't think I'm going to start back up on the semaglutide though - it's been so nice not being nauseous all the time. I've actually been able to work out consistently these past 3 weeks which feels wonderful. I have however gained 3 pounds back. Annoying. Because my appetite is back with a vengeance. I feel hungry all the time, even after I've just finished eating. Which makes it really hard to eat less. I'm hoping the exercising will counteract the increase in calories so I don't gain more weight. I still want to lose another 20 pounds! Time will tell I guess.
Anyway, that's all for now.