Tomorrow is September, which is crazy. This summer has gone by so freaking fast. It's going to be my birthday soon!! Yay!
On the tooth front . . . ohmygosh I've been in so much pain y'all. Like, ridiculous amounts of pain. I've been taking motrin, tylenol, naproxen, and norco around the clock. Today was the first day (in a week) I haven't been near tears several times a day. It's this gnawing, throbbing, aching pain that just doesn't go away. My lord it's terrible. I'm now at the point where I get to "irrigate" the giant hole where my tooth was. It looks like a freaking cavern in my mouth. And I irrigate it after every time I eat something to make sure no food bits get left behind in there. Gross. And last night while I was irrigating the stitch came out. Which, they told me it would, but it was so nasty. This little spider looking thing falling out of my mouth. Ugh. No bueno. I really hope I never have to have another tooth pulled because this has sucked balls. Like, a lot.
Okay. Enough about that.
Soooooooo, I'm seriously thinking about trying to get a booth at a con. To sell my art and plushies. Colorado Springs Comic Con would be freaking amazing but I may need to start out smaller. Like a toy con or something. Which means I better get producing! Art and plushies! And I have to find a decently priced print shop so I can make prints of some of my Bipolar Chronicles stuff. How awesome would that be?? To have a booth and sell my stuff?? Hell yeah! (I just ordered some fabric, teehee!)
I go back to work this Friday. This past week has gone by way too quickly. Ten days off wasn't enough time. I want MOAR! Oh well. Back to the grind. But now, with the prospect of a con, maybe I'll have some drive and motivation to do stuff on my days off. Like draw and paint and sew. Hopefully. And hopefully my morale will be a bit better because I was pretty darn burnt out before this little break.