Today is World Bipolar Day. Exciting, I know. Most people don't know about it, never heard of it. There is no fan fare, no parties or parades. No, World Bipolar Day is a quiet day, but an important one. Why? Because there is so much misinformation and stigma surrounding bipolar disorder and today is a day to raise awareness of this often misunderstood disorder.
I myself was diagnosed with bipolar disorder around 10 years ago, after having been misdiagnosed with depression for many, many years (I started with depression as early as grade school). It has been estimated that around 60% of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder were misdiagnosed at first. This is alarming because a proper diagnosis is needed for effective treatment.
There are several different types of bipolar disorder (bipolar 1, bipolar 2, cyclothymia, bipolar disorder not otherwise specified), with bipolar 1 and bipolar 2 being the most known about. I have been diagnosed with both bipolar 1 and bipolar 2, though I more closely fall into the category of bipolar 2 (I tend to deal mostly with depression and have short periods of hypomania, as opposed to the full mania seen with bipolar 1). Both types of bipolar disorder can disrupt life greatly. I'm living proof of this. It's taken me the 10 years since being diagnosed to become stable (and I've been pretty stable for almost a year now). I've been on 24 different medications and combos of meds, have done DBT, CBT, equine therapy, group therapy, support groups, ECT, TMS, acupuncture, diet changes, supplements, exercise . . . you name it, I've probably tried it. My psychiatrist and therapist have been absolutely amazing and supportive of me, trying everything they could think of. My family and true friends have been amazingly supportive of me (I've lost several friends due to my illness). I couldn't have done this without them.
In short, bipolar disorder sucks. But we need to raise awareness of it so people don't suffer in silence.
In other news, I finally got my butt drawing and painting again. At least a little bit. I've painted 4 birds recently. Yay birds!! Here's 3 of them:
A great tit, dark eyed junco, and robin. I love how they turned out. I want to paint more birds! And so I shall. At some point. Probably not today though. Or the next two days, as I work.
Also I should mention that I'm being baptized this Saturday, the 3rd. I'm excited and nervous. It'll be done during the Easter vigil mass. A mass that runs from 9pm - 12am. Ugh. So late! I usually go to bed at 9! I finally have my clothes picked out: a black skirt with black top before my baptism and a light grey skirt with white top for after. I'll also be confirmed and receive first communion at this mass. Everything at once! So that's cool.
Anyway, nothing much else is going on. Work is busy, like always. Moya is a poop face, like always. Oh, and I've lost 8lbs so far just by eating mildly paleo. Go me!